MATSUのハイエンドモデルをご紹介します。通称「オールブラック」と呼ばれるこの2本は、グリップもシャフトも黒本漆塗り。冠婚葬祭やパーティーなどあらたまったシーンに相応しい商品です。ネックはご注文の際に、金色(K18メッキ)か銀色(プラチナメッキ)をお選びいただけます。ボールグリップとTグリップの2種類。価格税込み28万6000円。商品お問い合わせは info@cane.co.jp まで。
We would like to introduce you to MATSU's high-end models. The grips and shafts of these two models, called "All Black," are lacquered in black lacquer (urushi). These products are suitable for ceremonial occasions such as weddings, funerals and parties. The neck can be ordered in gold (K18 plated) or silver (platinum plated). Two types of grips are available: ball grip and T-grip. Price 220,000 yen including tax. For product inquiries, please contact info@cane.co.jp.